2 min readApr 18, 2021


👩🏼‍💻How to use fonts and Icons in HTML / Visual Studio Code

If you are reading this than you are probably wondering how to add different beautiful fonts into visual studio codes and how to use icons. I wanted to share this both in one article because when I was googling about at first I found too many information that did not serve me.

✍🏽So first, the websites to find beautiful 𝕗𝕠𝕟𝕥𝕤


First you find which font to use. If you choose a for example Playfair Display from, you select 👉🏽+select this style.

This would be the link you copy and paste into the <head> of your html template in Visual Studio Code:

<link href=”" rel=”stylesheet”>

And in your stylesheet style.css you will choose font-family: “Playfair Display”;


Let’s talk about Icons 😊

Add this into the <head> of your HTML template


and than into your HTML <body> where you want icons to appear you write

<i class=”fas fa-home home-icon”></i> and than you style it in CSS

Looking like this:




Loves creating good experience for users when interacting with your software. If she is not coding then you can find her in the gym.